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CISP457 Practice Midterm 2
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The baseline is 10, there are 12 questions.
- What is/are a difference/differences between the overlapped (RAD)
process model and the
layered (incremental) process model?
- Only one begins a design process before the analysis process is
complete for the entire information system.
- Only one demonstrates or delivers the system in stages.
- Only one delivers partial but tested and functional system in
- 1a and 1b
- 1a and 1c
- What is an advantage of the ``Strictly sequential'' (waterfall) process
model when compared to either the overlapped (RAD) process model and the
layered (incremental) process model?
- the ``strictly sequential'' process model shortens the time to
deliver some functional section of the whole system
- the ``strictly sequential'' process model provides more immediate
feedback to the client
- the ``strictly sequential'' process model generates less
version tracking hassle with documents
- none of the other choices is an advantage of
the ``strictly sequential'' process model
- the ``strictly sequential'' process model catches problems earlier
- What is the maximum number of rows when a decision table has four
independent condition?
- 4
- 8
- 12
- 16
- 256
- In the following state diagram, what triggers must have occurred if
an object starts with the initial state and ends up at the
final state?
- only t1 and t2
- only t1 and t4
- only t2 and t3
- only t1, t3 and t4
- only t1, t2 and t4
- In order to represent the following pseudocode logic, how many diamonds
are needed in the equivalent flowchart?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- According to the following pseudocode,
what is printed when has a value of 37?
- "me"
- "me" "fa"
- "me" "fa" "so"
- it is not clear from the pseudocode
- the pseudocode prints something other than the available choices
- Observe the following class diagram. Which class or classes possess
(though may not be able to access) the attribute ``office''?
- faculty
- ft_faculty
- pt_faculty
- faculty and ft_facuty
- all of the classes possess the attribute ``office''
- Assuming every person can marry one other person or remain unmarried, and
a marriage_lic object tracks a current marriage, what should be the
multiplicities associated with the ``person'' side and ``marriage_lic''
side of the association? Note that a divorce deletes a marriage_lic
object, as does the death of one spouse in a marriage.
For the purpose of this question (and only this question), assume the
notations ``2'', ``1..2'' and ``0..2'' are also allowed.
- ``2'' and ``1''
- ``2'' and ''0..1''
- ``1'' and ``2''
- ``1'' and ``0..1''
- ``1'' and ``0..2''
- A ``store'' object represents a store, a ``stock_rec'' object represents
the record of a particular merchandise, a ``SKU'' object represents
information of a particular kind of merchandise. The class diagram is
illustrated as follows.
When does a ``store'' object deleted?
- when all ``stock_rec'' objects are deleted
- when all ``SKU'' objects are deleted
- when all ``stock_rec'' objects and all ``SKU'' objects are deleted
- when all ``stock_rec'' objects associated with it are deleted
- none of the above determines when a ``store'' object is deleted
- According to the following diagram, what happens when a
``CHP'' object is deleted?
- a separate object of class ``Officer'' is deleted
- all ticket objects associated with the ``CHP'' object is deleted
- all ticket objects are deleted
- a separate object of class ``Sheriff'' is deleted
- the diagram does not confirm any of the other choices
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Tak Auyeung