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The following describes the basic in-class behavior policy.
- Raise your hand before asking a question, let me finish my
sentence first.
- Questions related to the class are always welcome.
- Disruptions are not tolerated. People who disrupt with intent
must leave the classroom. Warning may be given at the discretion
of the professor.
- Talking with other students is not tolerated (see disruptions).
If you have a topic related to the class, tell me about it.
If the topic does not relate to the class, talk about it
outside of the classroom.
- Eating and drinking is not allowed in the classroom.
- Cell phones and pagers must be set to quiet, silent or vibration-only
modes. Talk on your phone outside of the classroom. The
professor reserves the right to ask repeat offenders
(talking on the phone or have the phone ring in the class)
leave the class.
Tak Auyeung