The tests and the final exam also have extra credit questions. Most questions (if not all) are multiple choice type with 5 choices. Each test/exam has a base number of questions and a total number of questions. The total is always larger than or equal to the base. Let be the score from correct answers, be the base number of questions and be the total number of questions. The break points of letter grades are as follows:
The break points for the letter final grade are weighted averages of the components from the homework assignment component and the exam components.
I reserve the rights to change the grading scheme throughout the semester. I will make the changes public to the entire class whenever changes are made.
In order to receive your grade, you should sign up for a ZIP account if you have not done so already. You must sign up at on-campus, although you can access your account via the internet once you have an account. Visit to sign up for an account. Your midterm grade and final grade are both sent to this account. I will also send emails to your ZIP accounts regarding course materials and homework assignments.